Windows Clientsoftware
With or without license the Windows Clientsoftware makes it possible to use HTML2PDF for every website. With a valid license key all options are available.
After installing HTML2PDF is integrated in the Internet Explorer. In context menus and in the menu „Extras“ you’ll find the option „PDF Download“ to use HTML2PDF directly from your favorite browser.
The Windows Client was translated in the languages German and English. Downloading and using is free. To obtain a license key, click here.
Download HTML2PDF for Windows now
System requirements
- Windows XP and newer
- Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0 and up
- ca. 5 MegaByte free disc space for installation
HTML2PDF will be installed as command line-tool, too. The program HTML2PDFCLI.exe is located in the installation folder and can be called like this:
HTML2PDFCLI.exe [url] [file] ((--quiet) (--use-preconfig=1) (--license=...) ([options]))
HTML2PDFCLI.exe news.pdf --quiet --use-preconfig
- quiet: Don’t send output to the console
- use-preconfig: Read the configuration from the Windows registry (as saved at the last exit of the client software (GUI))
- license: The license key to use (if not saved in the registry, or you want to use another one for this execution)
Possible options are all parameters that are described in the PDF documentation (German language). You have to use this format:
"--header=Center text"
Options with spaces have to be quoted. If the option is a flag, a missing value would set the value to „true“.
This option would disable creating links in the PDF file.
If you want to send the PDF bytes to STDOUT, you can set „-“ as filename.